Highly skilledMedical Specialists Our team of first-class medical professionals focuses on individual care and quality treatment of all. Go Back Dr. Dominic Dzamesi Kumashie Specialty: Nephrologist & Specialist PhysicianQualifications: Designation/Additional Roles: Nephrologist & Specialist PhysicianClinic Days/Working Hours: Mon-Friday, 8am-5pm
Highly skilledMedical Specialists Our team of first-class medical professionals focuses on individual care and quality treatment of all. Go Back DR. Kodwo Oduro Nkromah Qualifications: MBChB, FWACP, FGCPS Specialty: Physician/Neurology Status (Fulltime/sessional): Fulltime Designation/Additional Roles: Physician/Neurologist Clinic Days/Working Hours: Neurology Clinic- Tuesdays 1pmPost discharge Physician clinic – Fridays 12noon Areas of interest: General Neurology, Stroke […]
Dr. A.K also has a special interest in fertility treatment, and minimally invasive surgery for fibroids, endometriosis etc. There is a myriad of solutions to provide women with challenges in getting pregnant. Feel free to come and have a chat.
Dr Charles Kwane Adofo is a certified Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with extensive experience in both fields.
Dr Woode is a passionate paediatrician. She loves what she does and is good at it. She comes down to the level of her patients, gives them a wonderful experience and keeps them wanting to come back for more.
With over 13 years as a certified paediatrician, she has gained a lot of skills and acquired a vast amount of experience in the management of children with many different conditions. She keeps upgrading and updating herself with current scientific evidence pertaining to her practice through constant reading and attending workshops and conferences.
Highly skilledMedical Specialists Our team of first-class medical professionals focuses on individual care and quality treatment of all. Go Back Dr. Emmanuel Asenso-Mensah Qualifications: MBChB, CEMPA, MPH, MGCP, ADV DIP (OCCUP MED), DOCCMED, PMP® Specialty: Public Health (Occupational Medicine)Designation/Additional Roles: EMR – Public HealthStatus: (Fulltime/sessional): FulltimeClinic Days/Working Hours: Mon-Friday, 8am-5pm Areas of interest: Promotion of […]
Highly skilled Medical Specialists Our team of first-class medical professionals focuses on individual care and quality treatment of all. Go Back Dr. Saeed Jibreel Specialty: Family PhysicianQualifications: Designation/Additional Roles: Family PhysicianClinic Days/Working Hours: Mon-Friday, 8am-5pm
Dr. Osafo is an accomplished Physician, Nephrologist and Clinical Scientist, with over 25 years’ experience in Clinical Care, Research, Academia and Administration.
Dr. Osafo’s career objective is to work with others to do good to humanity in any station of life. She has a passion for learning in order to help others.