The Bank Hospital provides quality healthcare driven by
a strong, customer-centric focus.

At the bank hospital, we have a licensed Audiologist who specialized in identification and management of hearing loss, balance and other conditions in clients of all ages.
When to see an Audiologist
- If you think you may have a hearing loss i.e. You ask for repetition often when people speak to you, you cannot hear well in a noisy environment, your friends/ or family complain that you turn the TV or Radio on too loud
- If you have been exposed to loud noise and/ or hear a ringing sound in your ears
- Before starting a new job (Baseline Audiogram)
If your child
- Has no/few words for their age
- Has unclear speech
- Does not respond to their name
- Has difficulty hearing/ does not follow instructions in class
- Has frequent colds
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What the Audiologist will do
- Hearing assessment with a variety of tests
- Middle ear assessment to determine: how well the ear drum moves, the presence of any fluid build-up in your middle ear space due to infection and the functionality of the Eustachian tube (a tube which connects your middle ear to your nose and the back of your throat)
- Referral to the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialists, Speech and Language Therapists, Neurologists, Clinical Psychologists
- Counsel to help make an informed decision on the best form of amplification or hearing aids for the degree of hearing loss
- Programming and fitting of hearing aids
- Education on the prevention of hearing loss and the importance of using hearing protection devices

- Diagnostic testing for Adults and Paediatric clients
- Puretone Audiometry
- Tympanometry
- Acoustic Reflex test
- Eustachian tube function test
- Otoacoustic emission test
- Behavioural Observation
- Play Audiometry
- Speech Audiometry
- Electrophysiological testing (Auditory Brainstem Response and Auditory Steady State Response)
- New-born Hearing Screening
- Industrial / Occupational Hearing Screening
Who do Audiologists Collaborate with?
- ENT Specialists
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Neurologists
- Paediatricians
- Clinical Psychologist