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Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

This is a well-resourced centre of the Bank Hospital, offering high class Level 3 and below care for all new-borns (aged 0 to 28 days) requiring various degrees of care within the neonatal period and even beyond.

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What the NICU at The Bank Hospital offers

We offer both mechanical ventilation and CPAP ventilation, high dependency care, special care and transitional care for our new-borns according to their needs.

Our Services

Our services are family centred. We can assure you of the best care for you and your baby because we have highly trained and experienced neonatal intensive care nurses, Neonatal Intensivists/Neonatologists who will give their utmost best to your precious little one.
Because we recognize the need for multidisciplinary care to achieve the best outcomes for the neonates and their families under our care, we have a wide array of other specialists including the Paediatrician, Paediatric Surgeon, Paediatric cardiac support services, Clinical Psychologist etc. who are available to make inputs in the care of our babies and their families.
Furthermore, we provide long term follow-up care for all our new-borns who are discharged from our NICU as well as from other NICUs in Accra and Beyond.

Trust us to look after your precious jewel and you with care and love.
Call us today!