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The Bank Hospital provides quality healthcare driven by a strong, customer-centric focus.
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When you choose The Bank Hospital for pregnancy care, you receive compassionate, expert, and personalised care before, during and after pregnancy. You will also have the comfort of knowing that your care team supports you and your choices in this most miraculous life experience.
The Bank Hospital midwives and specialists’ doctors listen to what’s important to you as they recognise that the sociological, psychological, and cultural implications of childbirth may be different for each person. Most pregnancies proceed smoothly. But should problems occur you can be confident that your care team is prepared for every situation.
The Bank Hospital brings Specialist Gynaecological services at one of the most equipped hospitals in the country and subregion. We have a well-trained staff that attend to the healthcare needs of women of all ages and life stages.

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Our advanced Gynaecological unit is equipped to offer screening and treatment of all women health issues with strong emphasis of preventive medicine. A Well Woman clinic is available to help keep women healthy and informed at every stage of life. A well-equipped theatre with Doctor Anaesthetist is available for all gynaecological surgeries.
The following services are available for the Ob/gyn unit:

Our Services

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