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Optical Department

The eye is an integral part of the human health. Almost every living human relies on their eyes to see and as a result make a sense of the environment around them, this is why it is so important to identify, treat and manage eye diseases as early as possible. As a living human, it is without bargain that you get your eyes checked as often as possible whether you are experiencing certain symptoms in relation to the eye or not. Remember, as important as it is to keep the body healthy, it is as equal as important to maintain good eye health. At the eye unit of the bank hospital, we provide almost every eye care service a client may request for. Our team of eye care professionals comprise of the:

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Ready to provide unmatched eye care services to the delight of our cherished patients.


With a well-equipped Optical laboratory, we are able to fix all types of optical prescription brought to the laboratory from within and other facilities, coupled with a modern state of the art optical shop, you cannot hesitate, walk in to make a selection of that finest designer frames you have been dreaming of.

At the eye unit of The Bank Hospital, your eye health remains our priority. Remember to protect your eyes and to put your vision first.