Dear cherished clients, as part of our efforts to improve the process of delivering medical reports promptly, a dedicated email address has been created. All requests for medical reports should be sent to, Thank you.

Our team of first-class medical professionals focuses on individual care and quality treatment of all.

Dr. Forster N. Fokuoh

Specialty: Cardiology

Designation/Additional Roles: Cardiologist/Physician Specialist

Status (Fulltime/sessional): Fulltime

Clinic days/working hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Fridays(echo/stress)

Qualifications: Fellowship in Clinical Cardiology and Internal Medicine (FGCP-Cardiology) – Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ghana, MSc Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine-University of South Wales – United Kingdom, Post Graduate Diploma in Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine-University of South Wales – United Kingdom, Interventional Cardiology (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Cardiac Pace maker Implantation, Cardiac Ultrasonography) – Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute, China.
Areas of interest: Non-invasive cardiology (Echocardiography, Holter monitoring, Exercise stress testing, Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and ankle brachial index assessment), invasive cardiology (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) and Cardiac pace maker implantation.