Dear cherished clients, as part of our efforts to improve the process of delivering medical reports promptly, a dedicated email address has been created. All requests for medical reports should be sent to, Thank you.

Highly skilled
Medical Specialists

Our team of first-class medical professionals focuses on individual care and quality treatment of all.

Dr. Solomon Nii-Kotey Kotey

Qualifications: MGCS, MBChB, BSc.

Specialty: Emergency Medicine

Status (Fulltime/sessional): Fulltime

Designation/Additional Roles: Emergency Physician
Clinic Days/Working Hours: N/A

Areas of interest: Pre-Hospital Care systems, Emergency Response Systems.

Dr Nii-Kotey enjoys designing systems that ensure that the sick/unwell are able to access timely and appropriate healthcare in a manner that is sensitive first to the acuity of illness and sensitive also to the cultural settings in which the systems are implemented.